Alpha Bridge SFP AQSFP28-100G-ZR4



This is designed for 80km optical communication applications. This module contains a 4-lane optical transmitter, 4-lane optical receiver and module management block including 2 wire serial interface. The optical signals are multiplexed to a single-mode fiber through an industry standard LC connector.


  • QSFP28 MSA compliant
  • Hot pluggable 38 pin electrical interface
  • 4 LAN-WDM lanes MUX/DEMUX design
  • 4x25G electrical interface
  • Maximum power consumption 5.5W
  • LC duplex connector
  • Supports 103.125Gb/s aggregate bit rate.
  • Up to 80km transmission on single mode fiber
  • Operating case temperature:0°C to 70°C
  • Single 3.3V power supply
  • RoHS 2.0 compliant


  • 100GBASE-ZR4 100G Ethernet.
  • Telecom networking.

Absolute Maximum Ratings AQSFP28-100G-ZR4

Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Note
Storage Temperature Ts -40 85 °C  
Max Supply Voltage Vcc 0 3.6 V  
Relative Humidity RH 15 85 % 1
Damage Threshold, each Lane   THd 6.5     dBm  

Recommended Operating Conditions

Performance Item Related Bytes(A0[00] memory) Monitor Error Notes
Module temperature 22 to 23 +/-3°C 1,2
Module voltage 26 to 27 < 3% 2
LD Bias current 42 to 49 < 10% 2
Transmitter optical power 50 to 57 < 3dB 2
Receiver optical power 34 to 41 < 3dB 2

Transmitter Electro-optical Characteristics

Parameter Symbol Min Typ. Max Unit Notes
Power Consumption       6.5 W  
Supply Current Icc     1.8759 A Steady-state
Data Rate, each lane     25.78125   Gbps  
Differential Voltage pk-pk Vpp     900 mV At 1MHz
Common Mode Voltage Vcm -350   2850 mV  
Transition time Trise/Tfall 10     ps 20%~80%
Differential Termination Resistance Mismatch       10 %  
Eye width EW15 0.46     UI  
Eye height EH15 95     mV  
Signaling Speed per Lane 25.78125 ± 100 ppm Gb/s
Transmit Wavelength   1294.53   129.59 nm  
1299.02   1301.09 nm
1303.54   1305.63 nm
1308.09   1310.19 nm
Side-Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 30     dB  
Total Average Launch Power PT 8   12.5 dBm  
Average Launch Power, each Lane PAVG 2   6.5 dBm  
Extinction Ratio ER 6     dB  
Difference in Launch Power between any Two Lanes (Average and OMA) Ptx,diff     3 dBm  
Average launch power of OFF transmitter, each lane Poff   -30 dBm  
RIN20OMA RIN     -130 dB/Hz  
Optical Return Loss Tolerance TOL     20 dB  
Transmitter Reflectance RT     -12 dB  
Mask margin   5     %  
Eye Mask {X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3} {0.25, 0.4, 0.45, 0.25, 0.28, 0.4} 1

Block Diagram of Transceiver


The ModSelL is an input pin. When held low by the host, the module responds to 2-wire serial communication commands. The ModSelL allows the use of multiple modules on a single 2-wire interface bus. When the Mod- SelL is “High”, the module shall not respond to or acknowledge any 2-wire interface communication from the host. ModSelL signal input node shall be biased to the “High” state in the module.

In order to avoid conflicts, the host system shall not attempt 2-wire interface communications within the Mod- SelL de- assert time after any modules are deselected. Similarly, the host shall wait at least for the period of the ModSelL assert time before communicating with the newly selected module. The assertion and de-asserting periods of different modules may overlap as long as the above timing requirements are met.

ResetL :

The ResetL pin shall be pulled to Vcc in the module. A low level on the ResetL pin for longer than the mini- mum pulse length (t_Reset_init) initiates a complete module reset, returning all user module settings to their default state. Module Reset Assert Time (t_init) starts on the rising edge after the low level on the ResetL pin is released. During the execution of a reset (t_init) the host shall disregard all status bits until the module indi- cates a completion of the reset interrupt.

The module indicates this by asserting “low” an IntL signal with the Data_Not_Ready bit negated. Note that on power up (including hot insertion) the module should post this completion of reset interrupt without requiring a reset


The LPMode pin shall be pulled up to Vcc in the module. The pin is a hardware control used to put modules into a low power mode when high. By using the LPMode pin and a combination of the Power override, Power_set and High_Power_Class_Enable software control bits (Address A0h, byte 93 bits 0,1,2).


ModPrsL is pulled up to Vcc_Host on the host board and grounded in the module. The ModPrsL is asserted “Low” when inserted and deasserted “High” when the module is physically absent from the host connector.


IntL is an output pin. When IntL is “Low”, it indicates a possible module operational fault or a status critical to the host system. The host identifies the source of the interrupt using the 2-wire serial interface. The IntL pin is an open collector output and shall be pulled to host supply voltage on the host board. The INTL pin is deas- serted “High” after completion of reset, when byte 2 bit 0 (Data Not Ready) is read with a value of ‘0’ and the flag field is read.

Pin Description

Pin Symbol Description Notes
1 GND Ground 1
2 Tx2n Transmitter Inverted Data Input  
3 Tx2p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input  
4 GND Ground 1
5 Tx4n Transmitter Inverted Data Input  
6 Tx4p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input  
7 GND Ground 1
8 ModSelL Module Select  
9 ResetL Module Reset  
10 Vcc Rx +3.3V Power Supply Receiver  
11 SCL 2-wire serial interface clock  
12 SDA 2-wire serial interface data  
13 GND Ground 1
14 Rx3p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output  
15 Rx3n Receiver Inverted Data Output  
16 GND Ground 1
17 Rx1p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output  
18 Rx1n Receiver Inverted Data Output  
19 GND Ground 1
20 GND Ground 1
21 Rx2n Receiver Inverted Data Output  
22 Rx2p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output  
23 GND Ground 1
24 Rx4n Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output  
25 Rx4p Receiver Inverted Data Output  
26 GND Ground 1
27 ModPrsL Module Present  
28 IntL Interrupt  
29 Vcc Tx +3.3V Power supply transmitter  
30 Vcc1 +3.3V Power supply  
31 LPMode Low Power Mode  
32 GND Ground 1
33 Tx3p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input  
34 Tx3n Transmitter Inverted Data Input  
35 GND Ground 1
36 Tx1p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input  
37 Tx1n Transmitter Inverted Data Input  
38 GND Ground 1

 Note: Circuit ground is internally isolated from chassis ground.

Ordering Information AQSFP28-100G-ZR4

Model Number Part Number Voltage Temperature
AQSFP28-100G-ZR4 OPCW-S40-13-CR 3.3V 0°C to 70 °C
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